Woman your future waits patiently
You are not held in chain
Do you see it, feel it calling you
Time to step out of old anger sadness and pain
With every thought of hurt that was
You give your power away
Every time your mind relives that painful time
Your energy is wasted every day
Woman your future waits patiently
How long are you prepared to wait
The power is within you
Don’t just leave your future to fate
Practice gratitude daily
And watch as your heart and mind rise
Bringing you gifts from life with love
Right before your eyes
Woman your future waits patiently
It’s only your thinking holding you back
It whispers you are not worthy
Constantly pulling you quickly off track
It’s only trying to protect you
Keeping you safe in a familiar place
Say thank you but keep going and focus
Sit quietly, find a space
Take a breath ,relax and tune in
Listen to what your heart tells you
It will tell you where to begin
Woman your future waits patiently